Recent Posts by Quentin

Ink rubbing

Here are a few pictures of the Ink rubbing, Quentin did recently. These were taken during the initial healing period, we will post more of this process as we get them from the client. [caption id="attachment_4692" align="alignnone" width="150"]rubbing during first week Ink rubbing[/caption] IMG_0427 IMG_0345 [caption id="attachment_4693" align="alignnone" width="150"]ink rubbing ink rubbing during...

Anatometal flowers

Here are a couple of pictures of our new Anatometal flowers in situ, so to speak. the tragus was a healed piercing and the ear rim was a fresh piercing. Interestingly they both choose the same colour combination, and came in independently of each other, but within 5 minutes. Great minds think alike [caption id="attachment_4684" align="alignnone" width="150"]Anatometal flower in a healed tragus upgraded tragus piercing[/caption] IMG_1656 [caption id="attachment_4685" align="alignnone" width="150"] more

Ink rubbing

Quentin recently did an ink rubbing, here are a few pictures, one of the scar and one after the first ink rub [caption id="attachment_4680" align="alignnone" width="150"]skin removal fresh scarification[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4678" align="alignnone" width="150"]scarification and ink rubbing First ink rubbing[/caption]...


WE have been having a bit more of a play with our new anodiser , we decided to anodise a couple of Industrial strength, internally threaded white opal navel curves. We thought we would make them a little bit unique,so we went for an ice blue and deep blue colour     [caption id="attachment_4671" align="alignnone" width="150"]Anodised Industrial Strength Navel curve Anodised navel curve[/caption] IMG_1568 [caption id="attachment_4672" align="alignnone" width="150"]Anodised...</div> <a href=more

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