Wishing all our clients & friends a very happy New Year, and we hope you all had a wonderful festive season filled with lots of love, joy and light!
Thank you for your continued custom and support throughout 2023, we can’t do what we do without you!
Have a wonderful time with friends & family, and please be kind to all those who cross your path!
Nepal Tattoo convention

Quentin will be away from Tuesday 21st April to work the Nepalese Tattoo convention, as well as be a co-hosting of the convention and performing along side his very good friend shivaoneoeight- they are doing a comedy freak show on the Saturday. As Quentin is away, we may be a bit longer in getting back to any e-mails, the best thing from 21st April-14th may would be to ring the shop for any questions, queries or healing related questions . Our shop number is 01903 520012. We...

We have just taken delivery of some new wonderful jewellery, this time from Anatometal in the states. We have some of their jewelled and opal flowers, which as with all jewellery from Anatometal has a life time guarantee on faulty workmanship and settings. These are suitable for fresh and healed piercings, so pop in and check them out. We now stock jewellery from Gorilla glass, Industrial strength, Southshore adornments, NeoMetal as well as Anatometal, so pop in for all your high quality jewellery needs, and don't forget...
moreManWomen memorial brandings

Here are a couple of pictures of some fresh branding work ,Quentin did for ManWomen memorial day. They are Islamic Swastika's. These have nothing to do with Nazism, they represent love and light and positive energy spiralling into the cosmos. The Swastika is one of the oldest symbols known to Humankind, and has been used by all cultures at some point in their history, in a positive way until the Nazi's. ManWomen day is about reclaiming this beautiful symbol [caption id="attachment_4536" align="alignnone" width="150"]