
Kalima Emporium offers a variety of professional piercing and and tattoo services at our studio in Worthing. Check our gallery for the latest images to help you decide your next look.
While we may be best known for our world famous piercing and tattoos, we also offer a number of body modification services which makes us stand out from other tattoo studios. With years of expertise in each of the following areas, we provide a complete service for all your body modification needs, while making sure your experience is second to none.
- Dermal Punching
- Beading
- Cautery Branding
- Diathermic Branding
- Black/Grey Tattoos
- Dermal Anchors
- Ear Piercing
- Ear Reconstruction
- Ear Scalpelling
- Colour Tattoos
- Facial Piercing
- Naval Piercing
- Nose Piercing
- Piercing Jewellery
- Tribal Tattoos
We as a studio operate to the highest possible standards of hygiene – what we consider to be safe operating levels are above and beyond Health & Safety requirements and are based on the latest medical information. We operate to the levels required by the APP (Association of Professional Body Piercers); we are not APP members because we will pierce people under 18 years of age with parental consent.
Our piercing sterility procedure is as follows::
1.All tools are pre-soaked in a medical cleaning solution which is designed to remove human matter (skin, saliva, sweat etc) from medical instruments. 2. We then ultrasonic all instruments for 30 minutes (ultrasonic manufacturers recommend 15) in an industrial ultrasonic cleaner. An ultrasonic cleaner removes all loose matter from tools by creating thousands or bubbles that bombard the surface and encase the loose matter in the detergent, when it will sink to the bottom of the cleaner. 3. The tools are then placed in a cold sterilising solution. This is designed to sterilise sensitive medical instruments that would be damaged by the heat, steam or pressure of an autoclave. 4. Finally the tools are placed in special medical bags that allow them to be sterilised inside: This will keep them sterile for up to five years if necessary.5.The bagged tools are then autoclaved.