Tag Archives: tattoo

Facial branding

Hereis a short video of Quentin doing a facial branding on an old client of 15 years now, Clive , well done mate, you sat so well   [video width="576" height="320" mp4="https://www.kalima.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/video-1471515250.mp4"][/video]...

Branding and tattoo combination

Here is a picture of a branding and tattoo combination, that Quentin did about a year ago. The branding is fully healed now, Tattoos by Nichole Lowe of Good Times Tattoo in London [caption id="attachment_4844" align="alignnone" width="300"]scar ,tattoo combination branding as a background to tattoo work[/caption]...

Nepal Tattoo convention

Quentin will be away from Tuesday 21st April to work the Nepalese Tattoo convention, as well as be a co-hosting of the convention and performing along side his very good friend shivaoneoeight- they are doing a comedy freak show on the Saturday. As Quentin is away, we may be a bit longer in getting back to any e-mails, the best thing from 21st April-14th may would be to ring the shop for any questions, queries or healing related questions . Our shop number is 01903 520012. We...


Here is a picture of a fresh scarification that Quentin did recently. It ties in with the tattoo work already done by Ami. It was over some existing scars , just to make it a little more difficult :) [caption id="attachment_4508" align="alignnone" width="300"]fresh circuit board scarification fresh circuit board scarification[/caption]  ...
