We are very sorry to announce we are losing our valued friend and member of staff, John, we are very sad to see him leave and we wish him all the best in his new career as a chef, Due to this we are now taking CV/applications for either 1 full time piercer/receptionist or 2 part time piercer/receptionists. All applicants need to have at least 2 years experience in a studio, with references, and a portfolio of work. Applications will only be accepted via e-mail, so please...
moreHeart piercing

Here is a picture of a fresh faith piercing with one of our hand made , imported hearts, as you can see these are so beautifully made and finished. We have these and a slightly different style in stock, in a few colours, but they are going quickly, so pop in before we run out [caption id="attachment_4488" align="alignnone" width="300"]
fresh ear heart[/caption]...
Industrial Strength has arrived

We have just taken delivery of some beautiful navel bars from Industial strength, we have some of the internally threaded faux opal navel bars and some claw set double jewelled ones. The quality and sparkle has to be seen to be believed. We have a limited amount of these, so if your interested pop in or e-mail us ASAP [caption id="attachment_4473" align="alignnone" width="300"]
industrial strength[/caption]...