Category Archives: Jewellery


We have just taken delivery of out NeoMetal order and as well as having more of their lovely opal tops, claw set gems and their rather beautiful trinity's,  we have a  selection of their new flowers in the clouds below. They are really beautiful and suitable for fresh and healed piercings. So pop in and check them out . As we have our own in house anodising facilities, we can anodise any of these for you, please give us a days notice to have them ready...


Here are a couple of nose piercings with NeoMetal opal tops , we used the black and lavender ones. We have a new shipment of them arriving early next week and will post pictures of all the new tops when it arrives. We will also have some exquisite never curves from ANATOMETAL , keep checking back for pictures :) [caption id="attachment_4762" align="alignnone" width="150"]nose piercings with opal tops Fresh nose piercings[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4762" align="alignnone" width="150"] more

piercing work

[caption id="attachment_4754" align="alignnone" width="150"]high lobe piercing Fresh ear piercing with an internally threaded , jewelled labret[/caption] 20151027_161003 Here are a couple of pictures of some new piercing work, the higher lobe piercing is pierced with a internally threaded,jewelled labret, anodised gold, in house by Quentin. The other piercing is a tragus with a 2.5mm Lavender opal top , made by the wonderful Neometal . AS said above, we anodise in...

Navel curves

Here are a few pictures of some of the high end navel curves that we  stock at Kalima, we offer a full selection of jewellery from bespoke manufacturers. The ones the photos are from Industrial strength, but we also stock Anatometal, Neometal , southshore adornments and Gorilla glass [caption id="attachment_4746" align="alignnone" width="150"]Crystal and opal navel curves Industrial Strength navel curves[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_4747" align="alignnone" width="150"]Bespoke opal navel curves Bubblegum pink...
