Category Archives: Jewellery

Ear heart

We have recently found our hand made ear hearts have been really popular, we have this style, the gentle curve ones, and 2 other styles in stock and we have them in a few different colours as well. But as we do have our own in house anodiser, with a bit of notice we can anodise one to a colour of your choice, if we don't have it in stock. [caption id="attachment_4722" align="alignnone" width="150"]A daith piercing , pierced with a ear...</div> <a href=more

Anatometal flowers

Here are a couple of pictures of our new Anatometal flowers in situ, so to speak. the tragus was a healed piercing and the ear rim was a fresh piercing. Interestingly they both choose the same colour combination, and came in independently of each other, but within 5 minutes. Great minds think alike [caption id="attachment_4684" align="alignnone" width="150"]Anatometal flower in a healed tragus upgraded tragus piercing[/caption] IMG_1656 [caption id="attachment_4685" align="alignnone" width="150"] more


WE have been having a bit more of a play with our new anodiser , we decided to anodise a couple of Industrial strength, internally threaded white opal navel curves. We thought we would make them a little bit unique,so we went for an ice blue and deep blue colour     [caption id="attachment_4671" align="alignnone" width="150"]Anodised Industrial Strength Navel curve Anodised navel curve[/caption] IMG_1568 [caption id="attachment_4672" align="alignnone" width="150"]Anodised...</div> <a href=more


Introducing a new service that we can offer our clients…Anodising titanium jewellery. Yes we will now be offering in house anodising, so this gives us a greater range of colours, as well as being able to do all our NeoMetal, Anatometal and industrial strength jewellery. Here is a short video showing Quentin doing a 2.4mm barbell and the picture is of some 2.4mm rings that Quentin and Ciaron anodised today Anodising ...
