Tag Archives: piercing

Xmas Navel piercing special offer

XMAS  NAVEL PIERCING  SPECIAL OFFER -all next week Pop in next week ( December 8th -12th) and have your Navel pierced with one of our Anatometal or Industrial Strength Navel curves. We will charge you for the Navel curve and just £10 for the piercing on top of that. As always you will still get a full aftercare kit included. [caption id="attachment_4746" align="alignnone" width="150"]Crystal and opal navel curves Industrial Strength navel curves[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4748" align="alignnone" width="150"] more

NeoMetal Jewellery

Here is a picture of a nose piercing that we upgraded to a NeoMetal 2.5mm blue opal top , we have quite a few of these and more colours beside , just pop in to take a look at these and the amazing new flowers they have made [caption id="attachment_4771" align="alignnone" width="150"]2.5mm opal in a healed nose piercing a healed piercing with a neometal 2.5mm blue opal top[/caption]...


Here are a couple of nose piercings with NeoMetal opal tops , we used the black and lavender ones. We have a new shipment of them arriving early next week and will post pictures of all the new tops when it arrives. We will also have some exquisite never curves from ANATOMETAL , keep checking back for pictures :) [caption id="attachment_4762" align="alignnone" width="150"]nose piercings with opal tops Fresh nose piercings[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4762" align="alignnone" width="150"] more

Ear heart

We have recently found our hand made ear hearts have been really popular, we have this style, the gentle curve ones, and 2 other styles in stock and we have them in a few different colours as well. But as we do have our own in house anodiser, with a bit of notice we can anodise one to a colour of your choice, if we don't have it in stock. [caption id="attachment_4722" align="alignnone" width="150"]A daith piercing , pierced with a ear...</div> <a href=more
