Tag Archives: piercing

Anatometal flowers

Here are a couple of pictures of our new Anatometal flowers in situ, so to speak. the tragus was a healed piercing and the ear rim was a fresh piercing. Interestingly they both choose the same colour combination, and came in independently of each other, but within 5 minutes. Great minds think alike [caption id="attachment_4684" align="alignnone" width="150"]Anatometal flower in a healed tragus upgraded tragus piercing[/caption] IMG_1656 [caption id="attachment_4685" align="alignnone" width="150"] more

Opal ear hearts

Here is a picture of a fresh  opal ear heart, we have these for new and healed piercings and in a few different colours of niobium and opals , [caption id="attachment_4641" align="alignnone" width="150"]fresh piercing with our opal hearts fresh piercing with our opal hearts[/caption]  ...

New jewellery

We just had a new order arrive from NeoMetal, and we ordered some of their trinity ends in , which we think look stunning . We also had some jewellery displays dropped of from Andy of Southshore adornments, for our high end jewellery range. [caption id="attachment_4632" align="alignnone" width="150"]trinity ends our new trinity ends from NeoMetal jewellery[/caption] image1-14image1-14...

Heart piercing

Here is a picture of a fresh faith piercing with one of our hand made , imported hearts, as you can see these are so beautifully made and finished. We have these and a slightly different style in stock, in a few colours, but they are going quickly, so pop in before we run out [caption id="attachment_4488" align="alignnone" width="300"]fresh ear heart fresh ear heart[/caption]...
