Tag Archives: high quality jewellery

Daith piercing

Daith piercings are very popular at the moment with all the discussions of how they may possibly help with migraines. Now some clients seem to have found that they have initially helped, obviously it is far to early to tell the long term benefits, but we ask all clients who have had them done, to give us feedback on the benefits or non benefits, so we can pass this on to all future clients. This will be the only way to see if they do...

Xmas Navel piercing special offer

XMAS  NAVEL PIERCING  SPECIAL OFFER -all next week Pop in next week ( December 8th -12th) and have your Navel pierced with one of our Anatometal or Industrial Strength Navel curves. We will charge you for the Navel curve and just £10 for the piercing on top of that. As always you will still get a full aftercare kit included. [caption id="attachment_4746" align="alignnone" width="150"]Crystal and opal navel curves Industrial Strength navel curves[/caption] [caption id="attachment_4748" align="alignnone" width="150"] more

NeoMetal Jewellery

Here is a picture of a nose piercing that we upgraded to a NeoMetal 2.5mm blue opal top , we have quite a few of these and more colours beside , just pop in to take a look at these and the amazing new flowers they have made [caption id="attachment_4771" align="alignnone" width="150"]2.5mm opal in a healed nose piercing a healed piercing with a neometal 2.5mm blue opal top[/caption]...


We have just taken delivery of out NeoMetal order and as well as having more of their lovely opal tops, claw set gems and their rather beautiful trinity's,  we have a  selection of their new flowers in the clouds below. They are really beautiful and suitable for fresh and healed piercings. So pop in and check them out . As we have our own in house anodising facilities, we can anodise any of these for you, please give us a days notice to have them ready...
